New Year's Resolutions That Your Skin Will Love
Posted by Nikki Wisher on Dec 31st 2024
The turnover of a new year has a special way of inspiring hope and optimism in all of us. No matter what’s going on in our lives, the idea that we’re starting a new beginning makes us hopeful for all the possibilities to come in the year ahead. Setting goals and intentions for the new year is a great way to turn your optimism into action, and if your plan for 2025 involves healthy, beautiful skin, here are a few New Year’s resolutions that will help.
Make Your Skin Care a Consistent Daily Routine
This is one of those things that seems so simple but when you have so many different obligations and projects happening in your life from day to day, it’s not easy. The fact is though that consistency matters. No skin care product can do its job when it’s only reaching your skin every once in a while, so make a point this year to establish and maintain a consistent routine in the morning and at night. It’ll be difficult at first but within a few weeks or a few months, it’ll become a habit that you do every day without thinking about it.
Edit Your Skin Care Stash
If you’re like me, you probably have a drawer of random skin care clutter – products that are so old you don’t even remember buying them, products you’ve gotten from subscription boxes or giveaways, products you tried but didn’t like, and so on. Now’s the time to clear out the clutter! Throw out or give away anything you don’t use anymore or that you don’t expect to use soon and donate anything that’s unopened. While you’re at it, check out the products you do use regularly and make sure they aren’t expired.
Treat Yourself to Professional Facials
Your daily skin care routine at home can do a lot for the health and beauty of your skin, but every so often, your skin can benefit from a professional facial too. This gives your skin a boost and it’s also a chance for you to talk to a professional about your skin and for them to recommend changes you might want to make. Ideally, try to schedule a facial once a month, but even just once a quarter will help.
Find Your Sunscreen Soulmate
Wearing sunscreen daily is one of the most effective things you can do for your skin’s health and for your aging. Most of us know this but many don’t do it because they haven’t found the right fit – the sunscreens they’ve tried have left their skin greasy or shiny, have left white residue on their skin, have had scents that they dislike, et cetera. It might take some trial and error to find it but there’s a sunscreen out there that will work for your skin type and complexion that you don’t mind wearing daily. You could even try some options like tinted sunscreen and moisturizing sunscreen to simplify your morning routine.
Start Washing Your Makeup Brushes
This is another one that we all know we should be doing, but do we? It’s easy to forget to wash your makeup brushes, with your mind cluttered with everything else on your to-do list, but this is the year to work it into your schedule. Make it part of your Sunday reset for the week.
It only takes a few minutes if you’re keeping up with washing your brushes routinely – simple dish soap and water are all it takes but you can invest in a makeup brush cleaning machine too. Washing your brushes at least every two weeks will keep bacteria from building up on the brushes and transferring to your skin, so you’re lowering your risk for an infection and for skin irritation. Plus, your makeup will look better because you won’t have a layer of old makeup and skin cells on the brush.
Get In Those Workouts
Working out more is on a lot of our New Year’s resolution lists, but it’s not just helpful for your waistline and your general health. Your skin loves a great workout too. Working out improves blood flow to your skin, giving your complexion more of a glow and supplying your skin with the nutrients and circulation it needs for better health. A great workout routine also helps to reduce stress and regulate your sleep cycles, both of which will benefit your skin too. Just make sure you use a good cleanser afterward because sweat can clog your pores.
Gracing Yourself with Better Skin in the New Year
Let 2025 be the year that you love how your skin looks and feels. Making skin care a priority and setting specific goals and actions will pave the way for you to feel comfortable in your own skin in the most literal way. And from all of us at Skin Elite, Happy New Year!